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Phone (416) 302-0945


Our Unique Perspective

Infinity Retirement Solution, Inc. is a comprehensive financial planning company that specializes in the use of life insurance, fixed instruments, fixed and variable annuities to achieve maximum current income.

By applying the use of life insurance we maximize our client’s legacy. We are committed and dedicated to help our clients achieve their financial goals.

Our customized programs are designed to accumulate wealth, protect wealth and conserve wealth. At Infinity Retirement Solution we have 18 years of excellence in delivering financial service products in a painless manner to our diverse client base.


Are You Worried?

...about having enough money to

  • Pay down for a house
  • Fund your child's university education
  • Enjoy the kind of retirement you want

IRS Can Help

We will provide you with a:

  • Financial needs analysis to ensure you are saving the right amount
  • Customized insurance plan.
  • Personalised financial plan to create wealth over the long-term.